Calvo clause — A provision in an agreement between a private individual and a foreign state that says, in effect, that aliens are not entitled to rights and privileges not accorded to nationals, and that, therefore, they may seek redress for grievances only… … Law dictionary
Calvo Doctrine — ▪ international law a body of international rules regulating the jurisdiction of governments over aliens and the scope of their protection by their home states, as well as the use of force in collecting indemnities. The doctrine was… … Universalium
Calvo Doctrine — The Calvo Doctrine is a foreign policy doctrine which holds that jurisdiction in international investment disputes lies with the country in which the investment is located. The Calvo Doctrine thus proposed to prohibit diplomatic protection or… … Wikipedia
Кальво доктрина — Кальво доктрина, была выдвинута в 1868 аргентинским юристом и дипломатом К. Кальво (С. Calvo) в связи с вмешательством европейских держав во внутренние дела стран Латинской Америки под предлогом защиты частных интересов граждан Европы в… … Энциклопедический справочник «Латинская Америка»
Immigration to Mexico — Over the centuries, Mexico has received immigrants from the Americas, Europe, and Asia but not to the extent of other countries in the Americas such as the United States, Argentina, Brazil, or Canada. Today, millions of their descendants still… … Wikipedia
Scunthorpe United F.C. — Football club infobox clubname = Scunthorpe United fullname = Scunthorpe United Football Club nickname = The Iron founded = 1899 [citeweb url=http://www.scunthorpe,,10442 64336,00.html title=Highs Lows… … Wikipedia
Catalogue des œuvres de Hyacinthe Rigaud — Signature de H. Rigaud Le Catalogue des œuvres de Hyacinthe Rigaud est la liste des tableaux actuellement connus du portraitiste Hyacinthe Rigaud ; lequel a acquis sa principale notoriété grâce à son célèbre portrait de Louis XIV en grand… … Wikipédia en Français
Tableau de Hyacinthe Rigaud — Catalogue des œuvres de Hyacinthe Rigaud Signature de H. Rigaud Le Catalogue des œuvres de Hyacinthe Rigaud est la liste des tableaux actuellement connus du portraitiste Hyacinthe Rigaud ; lequel a acquis sa principale notoriété grâce à son… … Wikipédia en Français
Catalogue des œuvres d'Hyacinthe Rigaud — Autoportrait d Hyacinthe Rigaud dit « au manteau rouge » 1692 Gravure de Pierre Drevet … Wikipédia en Français
international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… … Universalium
Opus Dei and politics — is a discussion on Opus Dei s view on politics, its role in politics and its members involvement in politics. There were accusations that the Catholic personal prelature of Opus Dei has had links with far right governments worldwide, including… … Wikipedia